If you have come here looking for multiplayer cheats, you can leave right now. This website will never release or link to cheats for multi-player games. Here is a list of single-player cheats. (Credit goes to Gamespy) Enabling Cheat Mode Load the game using the -DEV –TOCONSOLE command line parameters. Your command line should look like this: HL.EXE –DEV –TOCONSOLE During the game, press the tilde key [~] and type sv_cheats at the console window to activate cheat mode. You must either die or pass through a loading screen before this code takes effect. God mode With cheat mode enabled, press the tidle key [~] and type god in the console window. All weapons and ammo With cheat mode enabled, press the tidle key [~] and type impulse 101 in the console window. Giving Items With cheat mode enabled, press the tidle key [~] and type give itemname in the console window. Replace itemname with a word from the list below to give yourself items. Ammunition Ammo_357 Ammo_9mmAR Ammo_9mmbox Ammo_9mmclip Ammo_Argrenades Ammo_Buckshot Ammo_Crossbow Ammo_Egonclip Ammo_Gaussclip Ammo_Glockclip Ammo_MP5clip Ammo_MP5grenades Ammo_RPGclip Items Item_airtank Item_antidote Item_battery Item_healthkit Item_longjump Item_security Item_sodacan Item_suit Weapons Weapon_357 Weapon_9mmAR Weapon_9mmHandgun Weapon_Crossbow Weapon_Crowbar Weapon_Egon Weapon_Gauss Weapon_Glock Weapon_Handgrenade Weapon_Hornetgun Weapon_MP5 Weapon_Python Weapon_QuantumDestabilizer Weapon_RPG Weapon_Satchel Weapon_Shark Weapon_Shotgun Weapon_Tripmine |