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Adrenaline Gamer Console Commands (ENG)
Adrenaline Gamer Console Commands

Server Admin Access
If you have been setup as an admin to the server you can log-in and take control by type the following into the console:

auth <username> <password>

How to change map/level
To change the server map just type 'agmap <map name>' in the console. If you're an admin the map will change right away if not then a vote will be called for the map to be changed to the map you entered in the console.

How to change game modes
Cbcup ( Clanbase Cup )

To switch to clanbase cup settings type 'cbcup' in console. This will reset scores and remove all weapons leaving you to pick them up as in a normal game.

This mode is a 1on1 match, only two will play at any one time and the others watch the match in spectator mode until one player wins and the next player will enter the game; winner stays on. To enable Arena mode just type 'arena' in the console.

This mode is the same as 'arena' but has all weapons enabled and you can use the rpg laser guided system too. Just type 'arena2' in the console.

This mode is like standard DM but you start off with all the weapons and full health plus long jump. When a player gets a kill his or her ammo & health is returned to full. To enable this mode just type 'arcade' into the console.

Last Team Standing (LTS)
This mode is like arena mode but this time there are 2 teams controled by the server and the object is to be the 'last team standing' wins. To enable this mode just type 'lts' into the console.

Last Man Standing (LMS)
This mode is like last team standing mode but rather than teams it's all vs all arena style the last man/player standing is the winner. To enable this mode just type 'lms' into the console.

TDM1 ( Team Deathmatch 1 )
Weaponstay off, friendly fire on, timelimit 20 minutes, wall gauss on.

TDM2 ( Team Deathmatch 2 )
Weaponstay on, friendly fire on, timelimit 20 minutes, wall gauss on.

TDM3 ( Team Deathmatch 3 )
Weaponstay on, friendly fire off, timelimit 20 minutes, wall gauss on.

FFA ( Free For All )
Standard DeathMatch style All vs All

SGBOW ( Shotguns & xbows only )
This is your maxium skill mode, only bow, shotty & gauss weapons are available to use and is aimed at direct skill shots to win.

INSTAGIB ( Madness )
Crowbars & gauss guns only with max damage settings on, mad game mode.

Ban weapons/items
You can ban weapons from any AG game mode by just typing in the following console commands:


How do I start a match in AG?
To start a fight use 'agstart' command in console, that will reset entities on map and start countdown from 10. When countdown is done all players except spectators are spawned at new positions with score 0

How do I display my Health & stats to team mates?
bind "F1" "say_team I'm at %L with health status %A/%H"
bind "F2" "say_team I died at %D - attack them!"
bind "F3" "say_team LJ status: %P"

%L =location
%H =Health
%A =Armor
%P =Long Jump
%W =Weapon in hand

How do I allow a player to join half way though a match after an agstart
Just type the following into the console... Remember only admins will have the power to do this others will call a vote.

agallow <player's name>
agallow #<player's ID>

How do I kick player from the server

Just type the following into the console... Remember only admins will have the power to do this others will call a vote.

agkick <player's name>
agkick #<player's ID>

How do I ban a player from the server
Just type the following into the console... Remember only rcon users will have the power to do this.

rcon banid <player's WONID>
agkick #<player's ID>

How do I enter spectator mode?
To enter spectator mode type the following in the console:


How do I vote?
When some one calls a vote you can vote yes or no to the vote. Just type the following in the console:

Yes or No

How do I enter spectator mode in arena game mode?

To enter spectator mode in arena game mode just type the following in the console:


How do I enter arena game mode after I've join spectate mode?
To enter arena game mode after typing 'notready' just type the following in the console:


Категория: Статьи | Добавил: [SR]illidan (17.05.2007)
Просмотров: 2927 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
Всего комментариев: 1
1 [SR]illidan  
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Team SR, Half-Life AG Mod

[CWD], Half-Life AG Team
MK, Half-Life Clan
EHLL, Elite Half Life League
HLCCL, Half-life Clan Collision League
 Official site AG Mod
crv, Clan crv

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